The oral-written connection in the learning of second/foreign languages
International conference
8-9 March 2018, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)
This conference will focus on exploring the language learning potential of collaborative dialogue in the learning of a second/foreign language. Research on second language acquisition has shown that collaboration among learners is a crucial source of learning as learners interact to create meaning and co-construct knowledge (Storch, 2016; Swain, 2006). Further research is needed, though, on the impact of speaking during task completion and more target-like language use in writing with a specific group of learners: young learners (8-16). This research would go in line with recent calls within Task-based language teaching (TBLT) a more integrative agenda that considers oral and written modes (Gilabert et al., 2016).
Prof. John Bitchener (Auckland University of Technology)
Prof. Judith Kormos (Lancaster University)
Prof. Rosa Manchón (Universidad de Murcia)
Prof. Neomy Storch (The University of Melbourne)
Prof. Parvaneh Tavakoli (University of Reading)
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